Advanced Robotics Engineer 2022-2023

Grades 6th - 8th

In this class, students are introduced to more advanced concepts in software and hardware as part of EV3 Mindstorms. They learn about flow programming, advanced attachments, optimization, and much more...

Innovative Robotics Engineer 2022-2023

Grades 3rd - 5th

Students learn about Spike Prime Lego Mindstorms and learn how to build and program a sturdy robot. They learn concepts including loops, switches, center of gravity, and robot attachments. They also learn about robotics competitions like FIRST Lego League Challenge..

Learning Robotics Engineer 2022-2023

Grades K - 2nd

Children are introduced to robotics through LEGO Wedo. They learn how to use motors, sensors, and bulding blocks. In addition, they will be introduced to basic programming through Scratch. Students are able to create multiple. Students are able to create multiple robotics projects and are prepared to participate in FLL Explore

Fun with Science

Grades 1th - 7th

During the school year, schools will learn many scientific concepts through textbooks. In this class, students will get hands-on experience with fun science experiments and learn how science plays a role in their everyday life!!

Summer Robotics Session

Grades 2rd - 9th

Let your kid spend his summer learning about Robotics!!! Throughout this session, we teach EV3 Mindstorms building and programming. In addition, we have a few lectures on the applications of Robotics and the different ways it impacts thw world!!!

Python Pro Program

Grades 4th - 7th

With robotics comes programming. OwnABot is famous for teaching EV3 Mindstorms and Spike Prime Programming. This year, we are branching out to teach the basics of python as it is crucial when further exploring the realm of Robotics!!!